My Report Card--All "A's!"

I had to brag on my report card that I just got from my Doc. My Foster Mommy cried today when she got the report and wanted me to know about it right away, so she called home from her office and left a message on the answering machine to let me know about the wonderful grades I earned. For the first time, my liver values (ALKP, ALT & AST) are close to normal ranges, my kidney values (BUN and Creatinine) look good, my packed cell volume (PCV or red blood count) is good and those pesky blood platelets have stayed in normal ranges (so my blood will clot) even though I have been off the mega doses of Prednisone! Wooo Whoo!

If you cannot read this Report Card and my Doc's comments, here is what it says...

--PCV 39%

--Platelets 321,000 (yeah!)


This is the best he's been on everything. We are as good as we can get to start treating him!


Looks like I will get my first heartworm treatment on Monday. I think I might be heading to Downtown Hownds ( for a spa treatment on Friday. Hopefully Nicole will not take any more pictures of me in the tub. Thanks for helping me get strong enough to get my first heartworm treatment. Woofs and Licks, Tucker

Post Surgery Report

Whew, I am glad last week and weekend are over. I had a pretty rough time after my neuter surgery. I spent Friday night in hospital and my Foster Mommy picked me up Saturday. After we got home, she got really worried because my tail was not wagging, I would not move, and I was not interested in treats. She rushed me right back to the Vet, who determined that on top of being in pain from my surgery, I was dehydrated (I guess I did not drink enough while I was in the hospital). So they gave me some fluids, which perked me up. However, I still was not too interested in drinking over the weekend, so my foster Mommy had to give me fluids a few more times. I know she felt bad about sticking me with needles, but I did feel better each time after I had fluids. It took me about a week but I am feeling much better, so hopefully no more needles. My Foster Mom stayed home all weekend to hang out with me, and I even got to sleep in the people bed! Guess a little extra TLC can make things better. I heard the Doctor say that the next step is to start my heartworm treatment on February 2nd. Thank you for taking time to read my blog, and for your prayers and support. All my love, Tucker.

A new year means another trip to the Doc

I am back with my foster parents, so you know what that means, another trip to the Doc. I am beginning to wonder if they obsessive-compulsive. I had more blood drawn and finally got some encouraging news. My platelets have continued to increase so they are in a safe range. My Doc thinks it best to go ahead and neuter me since my blood has the ability to clot. I overheard them schedule the appointment for Friday January 16. I am trying to be brave, but I am little scared and I think my foster parents are too. If all goes well Friday with my neuter, then I will FINALLY get to start the treatment to get rid of the nasty heartworms. Please keep me in your prayers.

Christmas Week--hanging out with new friends

... I had just settled down for a long winter's nap...

When up on the sofa arose such a clatter, I sprang from my slumber to see what was a matter...

When what to my wondering eyes did appear but 2 new doggie friends, Tucker #2 (I am Tucker #1) and Kaylie, o dear...

While my Foster Parents were out-of-town I got to spend a week with another ARFP volunteer, Kathleen, her 3 dogs and her visiting parents. Needless to say, we had a rockin' good time. I got spoiled, got LOTS of attention and sat on any and every lap that was not in motion. I also sat on and across the "laps" of the Kathleen's dogs. I don't know if they quite knew what to think about me.

I know I am looking pretty lazy in most of these shots, but it was vacation after all and isn't that what one does on vacation--sleep in, lay around, get a massage, eat, visit with family and friends? I would not mind if every month had a week of vacation!

Mid December

Things have been getting better for me, even though I have to go to the Doc every 2 weeks and have more blood drawn. My platelet count is starting to climb closer to a "low normal" range which means I don't have to take so much Prednisone--yeah! My Foster Mother felt that it would be safe enough for me to go the the hair dresser for a professional styling. My Foster Mom had been trimming my hair, but I heard my Foster Dad say that I looked like I had a "bowl-cut." So I got to go to Downtown Hownds, where I got a professional wash, cut and style like the purebred dogs do. Nicole at Downtown Hownds took extra special care of me (like she does other ARFP foster dogs) while I was there. Although she insisted on taking a few candid shots of me in the tub (how embarassing).

"When is this going to be over?"

I guess it was all worth it because I sure did look and smell good when Nicole finished with me. A guy could get use to this kind of pampering!