Back on Track

I am finally ready to have my first treatment for heartworms on Monday. I have fully recovered from my infection and am feelin' good. So good, in fact that I have been playing with a new foster brother who just arrived. "Mo" is a one-year-old Schipperke (my foster parents have two Schipperkes). When his parents divorced, Mo lost his home and ended up at an overcrowded animal shelter. The shelter called us and asked us the rescue him. My foster parents consulted me first, and I gave them the "paws up" on rescuing Mo. I have been having a blast with him. We play and wrestle on the floor and the bed, but we also like to sit around and chew on toys together. Here are some pictures of us bouncing on the bed the other morning while our foster mother was TRYING to get ready for work. Boy, did we have fun! The only bummer is after I start my heartworm treatment I have to be very still--no playing or wrestling and only leash walking for 6-8 weeks. I will update you later in the week to let you know how I am doing after my first treatment. Please keep me in your prayers for the next couple of weeks. Thanks!

Major Detour

My heartworm treatment scheduled for Monday February 2nd was delayed. I will save you the gruesome details, but suffice it to say that I got an infection at the site where my neuter was. Saturday morning when my foster mother got up she noticed that I did not look or feel right. She called the Doctor's office and they said come right away. The funny thing was she was still in her PJs, hadn't showered, brushed her hair or teeth, but she scooped me up and ran out the door. Fortunately for her they put us in an exam room immediately. She looked so disheveled that one of the vet assistants asked her if she had "the crud" that was going around, she said no that was how she looks when she first rolls out of bed. I think she looked as bad as I felt, which gave me a little chuckle.

We stayed at the vet clinic Saturday for a couple of hours, and of course, they wanted to check my blood AGAIN and take x-rays. They sent me home with lots of medicine. By Sunday morning I was even worse, so although they were closed, two Doctors met us up at Summerfield Vet (they are very good to me and ARFP). I had another exam and more medicine. Sadly, I was no was no better Monday, so I had emergency surgery, which I am happy to report was successful. I spent Monday in the hospital but got to go home Tuesday night. I am feeling SO much better--I can sit down now, which I could not do before. I guess you know what is coming next...this unexpected detour will mean that it will be a few more weeks before we can consider starting heartworm treatment. I am getting as famous for my delays as O'Hare. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes--I know they carried me over this roadblock. Keep them coming (if you don't mind, will you please include my foster parents in your prayers too; I think I shaved a few years off their lives this weekend). Fondly, Tucker